Language Training

As an experienced language trainer, I offer you individual, interesting and varied language teaching. You decide on the level, thematic focus and area of application. Whether you want to improve your business correspondence or communication skills, improve your ability to communicate on holidays, learn about cultural topics or need to prepare for a certification – you learn exactly what you really want to learn.





I offer language training for the following languages:

  • German
  •  English
  •  Italian
  • Czech





Donaufelder Strasse 168/4, 1220 Vienna (by tramway lines 25 and 26 and bus line 27A or 10 minutes walk from the U1 metro stations Kagran or Kagraner Platz)






Prices depend on the number of participants and the thematic focus. Send your request to for more detailed information.

Zertifiziert für Übersetzen nach dem Österreichischen Berufsverband für Dolmetschen und Übersetzen UNIVERSITAS

Allgemein beeidete und gerichtlich zertifizierte Dolmetscherin für die englische Sprache

Mitglied der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich

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